Make Your Advertising Dollars Stretch Further, By Optimising Budgets With Dayparting
Use the Exact Calculator Sell Global Uses to Manage Millions of Dollars in Ad Spend.
Target the Best Times of Day on the Right Days of the Week to Optimise Your Amazon Ads Results.
Here’s a quick less than 1 minute look at the Calculator
While having Amazon Ads on all the time is best, the reality for many brands (even big brands) is that they have a limited budgets.
Rather than ‘Going Dark’, you can make your advertising dollars stretch by using ‘Dayparting’ to only advertise at certain times of the day.
With this Dayparting Calculator you will discover;
- Which days of the week deliver you the best or worst performance.
- Which hours of the day deliver you the best or worst performance
- Which campaigns and product sets, perform best or worst.
- See these key metrics by day, hour and filtered by campaigns.
- Impressions
- Clicks
- Orders
- Spend
- % of Spend
- Sales

Sell Global is Australia’s leading Amazon Ads
Agency based on Ad spend managed….and probably results too, but we can’t tell.